Sunday, February 27, 2011

Do married people live longer than single people, or does it just SEEM longer?

I know! I know!!! I can't read your mind (clearly) but I know what you are thinking. This is the last thing I want to talk about. But, let's be honest. Single life is way cooler than married life. But as there is both sides to everything, it's the same with this topic.

The good things about single life is not something I can explore in detail here - better to write a book on it. Solitary fun is great. Flirt with anyone, anywhere you want and not be bothered about answering to anyone else. How do you enjoy living a carefree life, going fishing with your buddies without having to clear with someone else first. Theres plenty of time to do your own stuff, focus on your career and personal development when you are single. And, of course, your life is more stress free.

Married life is just the opposite. Though I haven't personally experienced "marriage" I have seen, observed and heard from many married men in addition to so much literature available on the Internet on this topic. So, I think I've got a basic picture of it. Of course, I agree with the good things in a marriage, being a couple and all. But, in a different perspective you loose a lot too. But, when you realize that, it's actually too late to undo for most people. Among some good things that come with the marriage package is having someone by your side, getting things done easily. Let's not dwell on that now :P.

Before I go tossing and turning around this topic, let me try to answer the real question. Do married people live longer than single people, or does it just seem longer. I believe that single life is longer whereas married life actually seems much much longer. This is very much a controversial issue and many if you would openly disagree with me, while some would agree in silence (dhethiki P), and others merely show it :). Some research shows that married people live longer, which maybe true to certain extent. That doesn't mean it's a fact. Being in the fine institution of marriage makes life a living hell (sometimes) for most people. Longing for the day to pass, when days feel like weeks, and wishing to live the single life you once had. Generally speaking, I'm sure it's not the same for everyone. Those who say that married life is actually longer says so based on the fact that (in most marriages) you are well taken care of resulting in a healthy life.

Enough of that. You might think that I don't believe in marriage. Let me tell you something. Oh no, I won't! Maybe later. But the truth is everyone misses single life after getting married. Thats why you got to really enjoy life while you are still young. After settling down there won't be enough time do the stuff you always wanted to do, but kept to do later.

Almost forgot. I have to do some ironing for tomorrow. LoL. Anyway, this is something worth pondering - I'll come back with more later on. In the meantime, this is open for all sorts of criticism :)

"A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he's finished". - Zsa Zsa Gabor

"He is his own best friend, and takes delight in privacy whereas the man of no virtue or ability is his own worst enemy and is afraid of solitude." - Aristotle


Friday, February 25, 2011

We come. We go. And in between we try to understand

"We come. We go. And in between we try to understand". - Rod Steiger.

A simple statement, yet so meaningful. I don't think I understand what it really means. Maybe the meaning behind it is too deep for my little mind, which can handle only about a million thoughts at a time, to conceive.

It's not an overstatement! Mind is the most powerful organ in our amazing body. It's so powerful that we are able use only a tiny bit of it, and we don't fully understand it's capabilities. People who use a fraction of it, just a fraction more than an ordinary man, are regarded as “genius”. Don't believe me, just yet! Ask Einstein. Ah, he's dead! Believe me then. ;)

So back to the quote. It can mean very differently, when put in different contexts. In the most basic context, we come to this world as a child, we leave as an "old child", and in between - the short time that we live in this world - we try to understand ourselves; why we do what we do, our friends and the society we live in. If we understand everything, I bet life would be so boring and unworthy of living. We don't really need to understand everything to believe it. As the saying goes "for I do not seek to understand in order to believe, but I believe in order to understand. For I believe this: unless I believe, I will not understand". Somethings are to be believed, without having to think too deep and to understand the logic behind. Having said that, ‘belief and logic’ is not the topic for today.

Let's see whats on my mind now. How interesting would it be to write down, every day, every action in your day-to-day life and read through it after several years. It would make you smile in reminiscence and even laugh about the stupid things you did, which might not have seemed stupid then :). I actually started doing it few times, but never got past few days. Basically it's kind of the same thing that we do in contemplation once in a while. Yes! Everyone does contemplate. When we are faced with a challenge, come to a barrier, or when we arrive at a junction in life, splitting to many roads, when we stop and think about which one to take, we do look behind and think through the past actions that led us here. That's a good thing!

Even the smallest action we take, that we don't give much of a conscious thought, I believe we do think before we decide, without even realizing that we do. Plato said, "when the mind is thinking it’s talking to itself". Exactly! It talks to itself, and does manipulate or affect our actions/decisions. Most of the things that we say or talk about, we don't really do them, do we? That's human nature. Likewise, every thought, is not put in to action. So many thoughts go through our mind at any given time.

The subconscious part of the brain is the most powerful - so powerful that we cant even imagine how capable it is. Imagine when you first learnt to ride a bicycle or drive a car. At first, you wouldn't be able to have a conversation with anyone else, while riding/driving because your total focus on driving is a bit too much for the conscious mind to have a conversation at the same time. But after few weeks, when you've got familiar with this activity, the subconscious mind learns it and takes over. After that, wouldn't be a problem for you to have a conversation, talk on the mobile phone (that’s illegal), or even watch movies while driving as your conscious mind will be available for such activities.

Having said that, subconscious mind is responsible for so many other basic functions in our body including breathing, keeping balance when we walk and heartbeat, to mention a few. If you had to do even one of these basic functions consciously, you wouldn't be doing much of anything else. It's responsible for sudden actions we take without thinking. It is also the where dreamworld is ;). If you can implant a conscious thought in to the subconscious, you can magnify it so high and make it so powerful. But, you have to be very careful about what you put in there, because once it's in there, it affects you, without your slightest intervention.

And back to the part about trying to understand. Trying to understand is not a problem at all. But, we can't! Yet, we do try. I guess, that's again part of being human. I find it really nice to sit in a quiet place, listening to some country music, and let my mind do the talking. Its mostly our present situations that put us in states of contemplation. Thinking about why we did what we did, how we got here, what we are meant to do, and what the best action could be. Thats what gets us moving. Thats how we decide our future actions. That's living. Thats what makes the journey interesting, making it worthwhile.

So the quote makes real sense. It doesn't necessarily mean that we spend every day, literally thinking. And it's not necessarily important to understand everything thats happening or every action. Rene Cote says, "It has taken me all my life to understand that it is not necessary to understand everything". I agree!!

Right now, I'm sitting in Raanbaa drinking an apple juice and eating a beef pizza. It's delicious ;). I don't come here too often, but guess I like this environment now. For the last hour, I was thinking about this quote. I still can't seem to understand what it really means. Good quotes are goes too deep, too meaning and too simple to read. This is one of those.

Finally, sound some lone time thinking. It's good for ya! Contemplation too. And again, don't take life "too seriously". Enjoy, have fun and live it to the fullest. But, be serious when you need to, when you have to! Enjoyment and seriousness means differently for different people. However it means to you, be cool and have fun.

“Don't worry about life, you're not going to survive it anyway.”


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wandering & Wondering

I don't know where to start...actually wondering - not wondering. Hehe. After I wrote down the topic, my mind wondered elsewhere, fueled by hunger, and I wandered somewhere to eat dinner :). It's not uncommon for us to wander and wonder most of the time, or do both at the same time, sometimes!

There are so many reasons to why this happens. We are living in a world too fast paced to sit and wait in calmness for anything these days. Constantly interrupted by phone calls, text messages, and emails. Facebook texts are sometimes a pain in the a4$3 at times. It keeps coming and coming, and drain the battery before you decide to turn FB text off.

Gone are the days when we had to be going out, moving around restlessly, to actually wander. In the digital world you could be wandering about anywhere in seconds - something I tend to do quite often, without even realizing. Now that I'm thinking about these two words that are spelled nearly the same, sound nearly the same and mean kind of the same thing, I come to realize how much I do it. All the time!!! I find it nearly impossible to stop wondering.

The reason why I am writing this article is still not clear. Lets explore this a bit more. These two words which sound similar, when spelled with an 'a' means "move about aimlessly without any destination", whereas with an "o" it means "...exploration of and around ideas, dreams and concepts". Wandering is physically tiring and wondering is mentally tiring. However tiring it maybe, it's good in a way. It takes us away from the busy work life. Aimless, restless, fearless, and worry-less, feelings of a child- not necessarily mindless. Hehe

I can't keep track of how much I w_ndered after I started writing this article - which wasn't too long ago. Now that it makes me wonder why I started writing about it in the first place, I frankly have no idea how it got me started. This is quite interesting. I could write a book on this topic filled with nonsense. Now that brings me to wonder why you would want to hear me babble. I'll stop this right here...gotta go wander somewhere else. Yea, this feels good!!! ;)


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Internet reshaping our lives

Hey guys,

It's time to write something here after so long - 13 months ;). Not that I've left blogosphere, my excuse is the so-called "being BUSY".

Anyway, it's amazing how the Internet has changed our lives. It's nothing new to talk about, but at certain times like today, I keep thinking about how our lives would be without it - disconnected from the virtual world. Two sides of that just like anything else for that matter.

I just returned from Addu City yesterday. Something I observed there, which has no particular relevance to Internet, is not something I've yet seen in Male. Nobody seems to go to grocery shops anymore...probably a few still does, most don't! They even order almost everything, from curry leaves, bottle of water, a pack of cigarette...just to mention a few. And the cool thing is, quantity doesn't matter, even the matchbox is delivered FREE. My initial comment to that was "sheer laziness"..I still think so! Why cant u just move your lazy-ass to the shop next-door to buy something so small as a Supari. Hehe. It's ok to do your weekly/monthly shopping online/ over the phone and get free delivery.

I asked around a bit and some people seem to agree with me. This "free delivery" was a marketing initiative by one of the marts in Hithadhoo, which was copied by nearly most of the other marts over the past couple of years. That's enough details - I'm not gonna dig any deeper

Anyway, thats teleshopping - I'd rather prefer online shopping. I guess that'd be the next step they take, one mart has to start and it spreads fast like a virus :)

So, back to the Internet Era, our presence on the Internet and our ability to use it wisely sort of defines our capacity to keep up with a reasonable pace in the current workplace. As Jack Welch says "I was afraid of the internet... because I couldn't type". That's indeed something to be afraid of. It's not only a necessity at workplace, it eases up our everyday life and open up new doors. Internet has changed the way we socialize - not only how, but who we socialize with. Our best buddies and guy next-door aren't necessarily limited to our neighborhood/town. He/ she could be several thousand miles away connected on-the-go, chatting with you at the coffee table, or wherever else in a world where most of us are equipped with a 3G/wifi enabled iPad or a smartphone.

Over the past few years, Facebook has revolutionized how we spend time and what we do on the Internet. Thanks to Mark Zuckerbarg. There you are, catching up with your schoolmates, harvesting your crops in farmville with your cousins, receiving timely status updates from all you buddies, and poking someone every now and then. LoL!!!

Most important thing to remember is, you gotta be very careful who you share information with. There's no problem with been overprotective of whom you share information with. Stupidity can get you into a real mess which I'm sure some of us have experienced. As Albert Einstein says "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits".

So my advice - whatever you do on the global town square interconnecting virtual villages in all ends of the world, be overly cautious about what personal information you share and who you share it with. But stay connected!!!

Cheers :)

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